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Tuition And Fees

Tuition And Fees

Application and enrollment fees

Domestic: No application Fee required

International: $100.00 CAD

This fee is in CAD and is non-refundable.

PLEASE NOTE:  All applicants (domestic and international) are charged a Confirmation Deposit of $250 or $500 CAD respectively if the applicant is accepted into a program and before issuing the Letter of Acceptance.  The Confirmation deposit will be deducted from the tuition fee. Confirmation deposit is non-refundable.


(Domestic and International Students)

  1. All tuition and Fees must be paid in full 4 weeks prior to the start of your program.
  2. Tuition and Fees paid will be held in trust.
    General Policies
  3. Your program start and end dates are indicated on your McKenzie College Acceptance Letter.
  4. All payments must be paid in full at least 4 weeks prior to the program start date.
  5. All fees are payable upon invoice. Students may be precluded from sitting exams, receiving results, or attending classes if tuition fees for a program or class term are not paid in full before the start date.
  6. Students must make McKenzie College aware of any health issues prior to commencing courses. Any health
    issues that develop during the course should be immediately communicated to the college.
  7. Students must obey all rules and regulations of McKenzie College. McKenzie College has the right to
    suspend students that are in breach of such regulations.
  8. The Language Centre at McKenzie College has an “English only” policy where all language learners must speak English at all times while on the premises. Failure to do so may result in suspension.
  9. Copies of the student’s passport, Entry Visa, Study Permit, Health or Travel Insurance, COVID vaccinations, and other required legal documents, i.e. custodianship forms, conditional letters of acceptance for pathway students, etc., must be provided to McKenzie College prior to or upon enrolment.
  10. Fees are non-transferable between students.
  11. Paid tuition fees from a McKenzie College program may be transferred to other McKenzie College programs with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice. No transfer fee will be incurred. The transferable amount will be prorated based on weekly fees for the actual number of weeks studied. The transferable amount will be counted toward tuition fees for the new program, with any outstanding fee difference payable upon invoice. No refund will be given in the event that new program tuition fees total less than the fees already paid. There is a transfer fee of $50.00 if the number of weeks studied is under two weeks.
  12. Students may defer classes for vacation purposes with a notice of at least 4 weeks. Missed material is the responsibility of the student.
  13. McKenzie College may be required to share attendance and progress records of students with the
    Canadian government, in accordance with any applicable federal and provincial privacy legislation.
  14. You can request a copy of our TUITION AND OTHER STUDENT FEES document at
    Refund Policy
  15. Notification of cancellation or withdrawal from individual courses, program units, or a program in its entirety must be made in writing to McKenzie College prior to the start of the program.
  16. The Application Fee ($100.00) for international students is non-refundable. Any applicable bank and transfer fees for payments to and refunds from the college, are non-refundable. Bank Fees are the responsibility of the student and will be billed to their account.
  17. Cancellation must be in writing at least 4 weeks before the student’s original program start date to warrant a refund of fees paid except as in “2” and “15”.
  18. Cancellation in writing less than 4 weeks before the student’s original program start date but prior to the start date warrants a refund except as in “2” and “15”.
  19. Cancellation after the student’s original program start date will not warrant a refund.
  20. If the student notifies McKenzie College of their intention to withdraw before their original start date, they are eligible for a refund as per “4” and “5” above. Processing of refund requests commences once any required documents are received and verified (i.e., visa denial documents, banking information, etc.).
  21. In the case of visa refusal, a refund will be given up to the original program start date as long as written proof is presented, except as in “2” and “15”.
  22. No refunds will be given to students who are expelled for unacceptable behavior or non-compliance with visa conditions.
  23. There are no refunds for public holidays or days missed due to sickness or other reasons.
  24. There are no refunds if the school is forced to close due to weather conditions. See the McKenzie College website for weather-related closures at www.mckenzie.edu.
  25. In the case a student needs to return home urgently, the remainder of their course may be deferred and the fees may be held for up to one year “in trust”.
  26. Any refund will be paid to the person who originally paid the fees, where possible, in the same currency in which the fees were paid.
  27. If McKenzie College is unable to deliver a scheduled course that a student had enrolled in, alternative,mutually acceptable arrangements will be made.
  28. Fees may be subject to change without notice.
  29. The Confirmation Deposit ($500.00) for all students is non-refundable. Any applicable band and transfer fees for payments to the college are non-refundable.
    Health and/or Travel Insurance
  30. All students are required to have health insurance while studying in Canada.
  31. International students must submit their health or travel insurance policy agreements to McKenzie College Admissions upon arrival at McKenzie College. It is highly recommended to apply for health or travel insurance prior to your arrival in Canada in order to ensure coverage from the first day of your stay.
    These Terms and Conditions are subject to change

* Student protection fee of 1% will be added to all tuition, except English Language programs.

Making a payment

CLICK HERE for information about making a payment.

Visual Arts Foundation


Tuition: $11,440 CAD


Tuition: $8,800 CAD

Click here for our Tuition Policy for international students.

Graphic Design


Tuition: $19,280 CAD


Tuition: $15,490 CAD

Tuition fees do not include required equipment and supplies:

  • Working laptop with webcam
  • High speed internet connection
  • Headphones with microphone
  • Sketchbook and pencils

Click here for our Tuition Policy for international students.

Video Game Art


Tuition: $19,280 CAD


Tuition: $15,490 CAD

Tuition fees do not include required equipment and supplies:

  • Working laptop with webcam
  • High speed internet connection
  • Headphones with microphone
  • Sketchbook and pencils

Click here for our Tuition Policy for international students.

TV & Game Animation


Tuition: $19,280 CAD


Tuition: $15,490 CAD

Tuition fees do not include required equipment and supplies:

  • Working laptop with webcam
  • High speed internet connection
  • Headphones with microphone
  • Sketchbook and pencils

Click here for our Tuition Policy for international students.

Photography Media Arts


Tuition: $19,280 CAD


Tuition: $15,490 CAD

Tuition fees do not include required equipment and supplies:

  • Working laptop with webcam
  • High speed internet connection
  • Headphones with microphone
  • Sketchbook and pencils

Click here for our Tuition Policy for international students.

Social Entrepreneurship


Tuition: $19,280 CAD


Tuition: $15,490 CAD

Click here for our Tuition Policy for international students.

Accounting and Payroll Administration


Tuition: $9993 CAD


Tuition: $7,995 CAD

Book Fees: $1,300

Computerized Office Applications


Tuition: $6238 CAD


Tuition: $4,990 CAD

Book Fees: $1,300

Computerized Accounting


Tuition: $ 7488 CAD


Tuition: $5,990 CAD

Book Fees: $1,300

Business Management


Tuition: $ 14,395 CAD


Tuition: $11, 500 CAD

Book Fees: $1,300

Office Administration & Accounting Specialist


Tuition: $9993 CAD


Tuition: $7,995 CAD

Book Fees: $1,300

English Language Training

Each English language program varies in price, depending on program and and number of training weeks. click here to learn more about each program and pricing. English Language program pricing

How to make a payment

*Student Protection Fee Will Be Added to all Tuition – The Training Completions Fund was established in 1996 to protect the financial investment of students in the event of an unexpected closure of a Private Occupational Training Organization. Each student enrolled in a registered private occupational training organization in New Brunswick is charged an amount equal to 1% of their tuition fees. This amount is paid to The Training Completions Fund by the college.

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