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The Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship

June 25th, 2022
The Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship


Social Entrepreneurship is doing business for a social cause.  These entrepreneurs blend social issues and commerce so well that it improves the lives of the people around them. 

A social entrepreneur can see a social problem and can use entrepreneurial ideals and principles to create, organize and manage a business to make social change. 

A business entrepreneur will focus on the profit and return on investment while a social entrepreneur will also focus on creating social capital and further societal and environmental gains. 

India is home to 2 million social enterprises, with 28% focuses on the agricultural sector. 

These social enterprises create employment and skills development helping farmers, and producing innovations in the Agriculture industry.  All while creating 4.1 billion in revenue.


This proves that is it possible to generate profit and provide a service toward the greater good.


The McKenzie College Postgraduate Social Entrepreneurship – 43 week Diploma program looks at the practical business skills and tools fundamental to operating a successful social enterprise.

1.  SELLING business model for social enterprises

The selling business model happens when your community of service is the same as the community of customers (to whom you sell your products)

 Example:HIRE UP an app that helps disabled people find their match of a support worker.  For a person suffering a certain disability it’s difficult to find a support worker that shares similar interests and passions, to become a more caring employee..

2.  SOURCING business model for social enterprises

The sourcing business model is when you buy from your community of service and you sell to your community of customers.

 Example:  PLETIVO PLEZIR creates handmade knitted cushions, which sources wool from Serbia to recover the local economy, which otherwise the material might be burned.

3.  STAFFING business model for social enterprises

 The staffing business model happens when you employ people from your community of service to help you create a product that will be sold to your community of customers.

 Example: BEBEMOSS organic handmade toys that has Mompreneurs from Syria the opportunity to start a new life.

4.  SHARING business model for social enterprises – can be with a portion of PROFITS or PRODUCTS

The sharing business model is when you give back part of your profits (generated by selling to your community of customers) to you community of service usually through working together with a charity in the form of profits or products

Example: TOMS has a buy one give one business model & ELEPHANT GIN donate 15% of profits to Elephant conservation

While you are making your decision about which business model is right for you, consider using more than one; STAFFING can also be used with each business model as well.  Helping your community even more.

While studying at McKenzie College, you will focus on these areas of study:


After completing this program, Social Entrepreneurs will have the knowledge and skills to launch a social enterprise, partner with other entrepreneurs or work for a larger organization to develop social capital and understanding.


·      Believe in the good of the people around them and that everyone WANTS to create a better community and environment

·      Drive the change around them, they are not ones to sit back and wait.

·      Passionate and want to make things happen not only for them but also for others.

·      Innovative having an idea is not enough, pushing to effect social change and taking risk that others would not.

·      Impactful these entrepreneurs will monitor the effect of their organization on the community.  Can they do more?  Can they do it somewhere else?

Does this sound like you?  Do you want to make a difference in the world but unsure where to start? 

 In this era of COVID-19, we need to help our community and bring back our economy.  A social entrepreneur can do both, with either a brick and mortar shop or an online venture. 

 This needs to be done on a GLOBAL SCALE like never seen before.  Social Entrepreneurs’ are now Super Hero ambassadors creating new marketplace of eco and socio-minded warriors tackling issues of poverty, extinction, environmental destruction, and more!   What a great new economy can be created from these people!

 Can you imagine a world where all business takes care of a social cause?  What an innovative global marketplace that would be—


McKenzie College has always been proud of its Social Entrepreneurship program and it’s Graduates.

Those enrolled in the Social Entrepreneurship Program gain practical business skills and tools fundamental to operating a successful social enterprise. While establishing a business, they are learning about the latest technologies in digital marketing, appropriate use of design, web-based tools, effective communication, social media marketing strategies, web design, Customer Relationship Management systems and financial control tools.

Students become Social Entrepreneurs by developing well-researched business plans that will create sustainable value. They will fund their enterprises with investment partners and develop a valuable network of business and professional entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in their communities.  Our goal is to see a Student with a successful social business.

Learn more about this program, such as possible career paths, admission requirements, tuition and fees, and how to apply, visit online at:


JOIN US! For Social Entrepreneurship at MCKENZIE COLLEGE in January 2021 or Fall 2021 Apply Now!